Okavango Delta


 Day 01: Welcome to South Africa! Our adventure kicks off with a 6 pm welcome meeting. If you’re here early, consider exploring the enlightening Apartheid Museum for historical context. Post-meeting, join us for an optional dinner to mingle with fellow travelers, guided by your leader’s recommendations for local bars and restaurants.

Day 02: Cross into Botswana from South Africa and head to the Khama Rhino Sanctuary, a journey of about 8–10 hours. Located at the Kalahari Desert’s fringe, this former hunting ground now focuses on conserving Botswana’s black and white rhinos. The sanctuary also shelters diverse wildlife like zebras, giraffes, leopards, ostriches, and wildebeest, often seen around waterholes. Supporting this project aids local communities and the preservation of the endangered white rhino. Conclude with an evening game drive to observe the active rhinos.

Day 03: Embark on a journey to Maun, which takes about 8–9 hours by vehicle. In Maun, grab any necessary supplies before exploring the Okavango Delta, a unique 16,000 square km ecosystem of verdant wetlands and waterways abundant with wildlife, including hippos, crocodiles, elephants, and big cats. Beyond the fauna, the Delta’s mesmerizing waterscapes and horizons are equally captivating.

Day 04: Embark on an exciting journey today by hopping into a traditional mokoro, a dugout canoe, navigated by local guides through the Okavango Delta. Keep an eye out for unique wildlife and birds. Enjoy exploring the intricate network of waterways and paths on foot with expert guides. Tonight, experience camping on a secluded island amidst the wild, serenaded by the sounds of the African wilderness.

Day 05: Rise early for a sunrise stroll, keeping an eye out for elephants and possibly Cape buffalo. Despite their majestic appearance, thanks to their horned ‘boss’ bone shield, these buffalo can be dangerous. After returning to camp for breakfast, the day is yours to unwind. Opt for a swim, a nap to beat the heat, or enjoy a tranquil river experience on a mokoro trip.

Day 06: Dismantle your camp and head back to the ‘poler’ station via Mokoro, followed by a 2–3 hour drive to Maun. There, we’ll explore a local brewery that uses millet from small-scale farmers. This supports their coexistence with elephants and boosts sustainable agriculture. Enjoy a tour, dinner, and beer tasting at the brewery. Tonight, relax at a camp just outside the town.

Day 07: Rise early for a 6-7 hour journey to Nata, a quaint town near the expansive Makgadikgadi Salt Pans, one of the world’s largest at 12,000 sq km. In the afternoon, embark on an open-vehicle tour of the Nata Bird Sanctuary, showcasing the vast, dry, and salty plains of the pans, encircled by the Kalahari Desert. Experience the surreal, mirage-filled landscape during dry seasons and its transformation into a lush haven for migratory wildlife post-rains.

Day 08: Embark on a journey to Chobe National Park (6–7 hours). Famous for its abundant elephants and diverse wildlife, the park offers a scenic Chobe River with swimming elephants, hippos, birds, crocodiles, and occasional cheetahs and lions. Cap off the day with a breathtaking sunset cruise – a perfect African experience.

Day 09: Start your day with an optional morning game drive at Chobe National Park for a unique perspective. Later, head to Victoria Falls (2–3 hours) crossing into Zimbabwe for lunch by the Zambezi River. Enjoy free time at the falls, a spectacular 1.7 km-wide cascade dropping 108 meters into a narrow gorge. In the wet season, witness a 400-meter spray; in the dry season, marvel at the unobstructed view and the river’s islets.

Day 10: Your Okavango Experience concludes with breakfast, with no scheduled activities afterward. If you’re extending your stay in Victoria Falls and crave adventure, consider whitewater rafting, canoeing, and flying fox rides. Arrange an amazing helicopter flight through Zambezi Helicopter Company (CAA Zimbabwe), the sole Intrepid-endorsed operator, with assistance from your leader.

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