Northern Laos

Northern Laos

 Day 01: Start of the Journey: As the group touches down in Luang Prabang, they’re greeted warmly by local guides and given a brief orientation. The night unfolds with the freedom to wander the Night Market and mingle with fellow volunteers, setting the stage for camaraderie.

 Day 02: Start your day with an early rise to join the renowned Alms Ceremony, a cherished Buddhist custom where you offer monks fresh sustenance at dawn. Following breakfast, engage in an enriching cultural immersion as you converse with local monks about Buddhist traditions. Delve into the ancient art of meditation guided by the monks themselves. Later, visit the UXO Museum to gain insights into the lasting impact of the Second Indochina War on Laos.

After a satisfying lunch, venture to Tat Kuang Sii National Park to witness the awe-inspiring beauty of Laos’ majestic 200-foot waterfall. Spend the afternoon exploring the cascades and luxuriating in the crystal-clear pools.

 Day 03: Embark on a day-long journey delving into wildlife preservation initiatives in Laos. Dive into hands-on construction tasks, crafting fresh enclosures for the Luang Prabang Wildlife Sanctuary. This 60-acre haven is set to provide refuge for over 150 Asiatic Black Bears, alongside macaques, leopard cats, and various other creatures rescued from Asia’s illicit wildlife trade.

Day 04: Following breakfast, embark on a 3.5-hour van ride followed by a 1.5-hour journey on a long-tail boat to reach our primary stop, Sop Chem. Nestled amid limestone cliffs and lush jungle, this rustic riverside village will be our sanctuary for the upcoming week. Spend the afternoon and evening immersing ourselves in village life, delving into our project endeavors.

Day 05 – 11: Embark on each morning with a delightful local breakfast. From there, dive into our educational and construction endeavors around 9:00 AM. After a productive morning, refuel with a hearty lunch break and unwind for a while. Return to the project site for an afternoon session, concluding volunteer work before indulging in cultural and adventurous pursuits, such as fishing, rice wine brewing, sports, traditional ceremonies, cave exploration, handicraft making, tubing, or simply immersing in village life.

As the journey in Sop Chem nears its end, experience the heartfelt Baci Ceremony hosted by locals, blessing us with good fortune and safe travels ahead. It’s a poignant tradition to cherish.

Day 12: Following our morning meal, we’ll embark on a leisurely voyage aboard a traditional long-tail boat along the serene Nam Ou River, bound for the charming town of Nongkiaw. Delight in the lush canopy of the jungle, taking in vistas of tropical woodlands, cascading limestone waterfalls, and picturesque mountain peaks along the way.

Day 13: Rise with the dawn to venture through lush jungles and bamboo groves en route to one of Laos’ most breathtaking vistas! Alternatively, indulge in a day of leisure in your hammock. Following lunch, return to Luang Prabang for a final evening of festivities and contemplation, reminiscing on the remarkable journey.

Day 14: End of Journey: As your time in Southeast Asia draws to a close, savor these final moments before returning home. Alternatively, extend your stay with GIVE’s Wildlife Conservation program. Merge GIVE’s Thailand Excursion to enrich your Southeast Asia escapade and enjoy a $500 discount!

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