Classic Greek Expedition

Classic Greek Expedition

 Day 01: Welcome to Athens! Your private transfer awaits at the airport, ready to escort you to your hotel.

Day 02: Embark on a captivating journey through Athens, starting at the historic Panathenaic Stadium, the site of the 1896 inaugural modern Olympic Games. As you explore, encounter iconic landmarks such as the Temple of Olympian Zeus, Hadrian’s Arch, the Parliament, the Memorial to the Unknown Soldier, the Academy, the University, the National Library, and Constitution Square (Syntagma). At the Acropolis, marvel at the architectural wonders of Athens’ Golden Age, including the Propylaea, Temple of Athena Nike, and Erechtheion, and conclude the experience with the awe-inspiring Parthenon—a symbol of the harmonious fusion between material and spirituality, celebrated for its ability to bring order to the soul.

Day 03: Set forth at dawn, traverse the Corinth Canal, and reach the acclaimed Mycenae, a UNESCO World Heritage site. Explore Agamemnon’s legendary abode, and marvel at the Cyclopean walls, the revered Lions Gate, and royal tombs. Continue to Nafplion, Greece’s initial capital in Argolis, a picturesque town beneath the Palamidi Fortress. Take a brief pause for exploration. The journey moves on to the ancient Epidaurus theatre, known for its outstanding acoustics, before concluding the day with an evening visit to Olympia.

Day 04: Embark on a journey to Olympia, where the ancient Olympic Games originated. Uncover treasures like the Temple of Zeus, Hera, the Olympic flame’s altar, and the renowned Hermes of Praxiteles statue in the museum. Head north, crossing the Rio-Antirio Bridge, to continue your adventure in Delphi.

Day 05: Discover the ancient wonders of Delphi, once hailed as the world’s epicenter. Immerse yourself in the Museum showcasing the iconic “Bronze Charioteer” statue. Later, journey to Kalambaka, a charming town cradled beneath the majestic Meteora.

Day 06: Discover the enchanting Meteora, a realm of monasteries nestled on towering rocks, safeguarding priceless historical and religious treasures with panoramic views. Return to Athens through the picturesque route of Trikala, Lamia, and Thermopylae. Pause at the iconic Leonidas statue and conclude your day’s journey in Athens by evening.

Day 07: Following a delightful morning meal, our journey wraps up. We bid farewell to our newfound companions and headed to the airport for our next flight.

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